One of the best ways to ensure your day-to-day work life is pleasant and your career
remains on an upwards path is to get (and stay!) on your boss's good side.
It sounds like an easy enough thing to do, but you'd be surprised at the number of employees who get it wrong.
The problem is often that they're unknowingly saying and doing things that
communicate to the boss that they're incompetent, uncooperative or immature. Qualities no boss likes in an employee.
To avoid this issue, try not to say these things that are sure to put any boss in a bad mood.
1. "It's not my fault." Even if it's not, saying so just makes you sound like a six year old.
Adults take responsibility, and then take action to make things right.
Bosses want employees that are always part of the solution.
2. "It's not my job."
Your responsibilities aren't limited to those specifically stated in your job description. If the boss is asking you about
something that needs to be done then it's your job and you should jump at the chance to impress your boss.
When you say otherwise to his face you sound childish, disrespectful and uncooperative.
3. "There must have been some miscommunication."
Business is competitive and bosses cannot afford to have employees costing the company a big client or critical contract because of their poor communication skill.
Your boss will only hear this comment as an excuse, which reflects poorly on you. Different bosses have different informational needs,
so find out what your boss’s are and then be sure to meet them. Being a good
communicator is critical for the success of a company, a boss and, most importantly, your career.
4. "I'm so hungover."
This is never something to brag about and admitting to heavy drinking on a work night shows the boss you aren't taking
your job as seriously as you could. If you are
hungover the best policy is usually to keep your head down and focus on the work you have to do.
5. "I can't stand Mark."
This doesn't just apply to Mark, but to all of your co-workers. Don’t annoy your boss by making them take time away
from important tasks to break up your spat with a co-worker. They don't want to get HR involved when two workers can't
resolve their differences in a professional way. It comes across as immature. In a workplace, there are always going to
be people you may not get on with, but you have to remain professional.
6. “I’ll try”.
This answer doesn’t help anybody. If you don’t think you can get something done tell your boss and
suggest solutions that will help get the task done, such as bringing in additional support.
7. "I'll quit if ..."
Never threaten to leave unless you're prepared to follow through if the boss calls your bluff.
If he does and you don't, you'll definitely lose his respect – and quite possibly your job as well.
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